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Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies


On Campus, 在线


30 credit hours


少到10个 个月


Regionally Accredited by SACSCOC


We live in an increasingly diverse, multi-cultural world, and many of our problems often stem from cultural misunderstanding. In the MA in Intercultural Studies, you will gain skills for life, work or ministry in a rapidly changing multi-cultural world. Whether you serve in cross-cultural mission work, urban church planting, the non-profit sector, 教育, the military or in inter国家 business, this program will help you attain cultural intelligence. 您将掌握文化的复杂性,并从福音为中心发展跨文化有效沟通的技能, Christian worldview.

我们欢迎你来到我们美丽的哥伦比亚校园, South Carolina and complete the program in one academic year. If you can’t move to Columbia, no problem. 我们将以最先进的交互式在线形式为您带来该课程. 每个在线课程的长度为8周,是根据你的时间表设计的. 您将与其他学生一起学习,并由该领域公认的专家授课. 

You’ll take courses in understanding cultures and worldviews, world religions, 圣经神学的使命,并可以选择选修专业科目,如全球移民, Islam and the history of global Christianity.  


80多年前,CIU开始开设跨文化研究硕士课程. CIU的跨文化研究项目以培养具有文化意识的专业人士而闻名于世. Our graduates have worked in over 160 countries. 我们将继续通过每年更新和增加新课程来微调该计划, adapting to the change and developments in our multi-cultural world.

在CIU,您将与学者和经验丰富的从业者教授一起学习. 我们的教师服务于世界各地(亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲、欧洲)。. 他们在商业、军事和教育领域担任传教士. 你将和那些已经并将继续以他们所教授的方式生活的教师一起学习.

Overall Benefits of MA in Intercultural Studies at CIU

跨文化研究硕士课程为那些在快速变化的环境中工作和服务的人提供培训, multi-cultural world. 该课程的毕业生具备在不同领域工作和服务的能力,包括:

  • Mission Service: Missionaries in cross-cultural service across the world; mission agency office support personnel; mission mobilizer.
  • Urban Ministry: Church planting, 青年事工和其他事工在北美和世界各地的城市中心.
  • Church Ministry: Mission pastors; ethnic-outreach coordinators.
  • 非Profit Sector:在多元文化背景下的信仰和其他非营利实体中服务.
  • Refugee Resettlement: Serve with a refugee resettlement office or ministry.
  • Governmental Service: Diplomatic positions in U.S. embassies overseas.
  • Military Service: Chaplaincy in various military branches.
  • Business Service: Private-sector organizations or trans国家 corporations, such as marketing and product development.
  • 教育. 适用于在美国或世界各地的多文化学校工作的公立和私立学校教师, 这个项目是持续专业发展的一个很好的形式.
  • Academic Careers: Ph.D. work leading to careers in college, seminary and university-level teaching, both in the United States and abroad.


Amber Peoples, CIU Alumna, Class of 2018

Featured Faculty

What Will I Study?

  • ICS 5830 Biblical Theology of Mission

    你将全面学习圣经宣教的基础,因为它涉及到教会在神面前的宣教义务,包括言语和行为. 今天我们会特别关注福音宣教的重要议题.

    3.00 credit hours
  • BIB 5830 Biblical Theology of Mission

    你将全面学习圣经宣教的基础,因为它涉及到教会在神面前的宣教义务,包括言语和行为. 今天我们会特别关注福音宣教的重要议题.

    3.00 credit hours
  • ICS 6024 Understanding Cultures & 世界观

    本课程将使您了解世界观假设,这是一个人的信仰体系和行为模式的基础. 你将从圣经的世界观角度分析一个民族、语言或社会经济群体的文化和世界观. You will also consider elements of biblical contextualization.

    3.00 credit hours
  • INT 6920 Global Internship

    As a capstone experience in your degree, 您将在该领域合格导师的监督下,在跨文化或穆斯林事工的背景下度过至少250小时. 你的位置, plan for ministry, 现场导师必须在注册前得到指导老师的批准.

    3.00 credit hours
  • RES 7972 Thesis

    Building on an approved thesis proposal, 你将在一名教师的指导下研究和撰写你所在领域的一个主题,他将在你进行的过程中对你的工作进行评论.

    3.00 credit hours

Admission Requirements

  • Completed application
  • 最高获得学位和任何硕士学位工作的正式成绩单
  • Church leader reference
  • Application Essay (800 words total, typed)
  • Minimum cumulative 2.5平均绩点

认证 and Accolades


Career Path Opportunities

  • Cross-cultural Mission 
  • Urban Church Planting
  • Local Church Ministry
  • 利润的工作
  • Refugee Resettlement
  • Governmental Service
  • Military Service
  • Inter国家 Business
  • 教育
  • Academic Careers


How much does the program cost?

Tuition and fees for this 30-credit-hour program run around $17,000. 请查看学费和费用的最新信息页面. There are certain discounts and benefits given for military status, and to employees and family members of our partner organizations. 我们的财务援助顾问将帮助您确定为您未来职业收入的重要投资提供资金的最佳方式. For more detailed information, 查看我们的经济援助页面,并选择在线学生的选项. 

How long does the program take?

如果你每8周上两门在线课程,你将在10个月内完成. If you take one class per 8-week term, you will finish in 18 个月. If you are on campus, you may take 5 courses per semester (Fall and Spring), allowing you to finish in 10 个月.

When can I start?

There are six 8-week terms within a calendar year (Fall 1, 下降2, 春天1, 春季2, 夏天1, Summer 2) so you may begin at any of these start dates in August, 10月, 1月, 3月, 五月或七月.

How do online classes work?

When you open the Canvas site, 你会看到一周从周一早上开始到周六晚上11点59分结束.m. 每周开课时,你会有阅读材料、预先录制的讲座和作业. Most assignments are due on Wednesday or Saturday night of each week. 每周你将在网上论坛上与你的同学和老师讨论阅读材料和课程. 虽然没有必要的课堂会议,因为学生经常分布在世界各地不同的时区, your professor may invite you to a voluntary Zoom meeting. You can also schedule a consultation with your professor over Zoom.

How much time does a single class take?

You should plan on about 15 hours per week for one online class.

Do I need to come to campus?

For online students, there is no requirement to come to campus, 但我们总是很高兴看到你来参观或参加毕业典礼.

What can I do with this program?

有许多职业道路,包括跨文化宣教服务, urban church planting and ministry, non-profit work, refugee resettlement, government service, 教育 and academic careers.


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