




45 credit hours

Program Length

as few as 36 months




澳门新葡京网站, our PhD (Practical Theology) program is designed specifically for individuals like you who have a passion for teaching in postsecondary theological higher education. If you are seeking an academic/philosophical doctoral program that equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in scholarly research and writing and make a meaningful contribution to the field of Theological Studies, 我们的博士(实践神学)课程旨在帮助您实现您的目标.

你将从事严谨的学术研究,探索圣经的深奥真理, 重点是圣经的功能性权威.

You will develop advanced research and writing skills that allow you to contribute significantly to the field of Practical Theology.

你将获得宝贵的技能,以专业的方式展示你的学术工作, organized, 连贯而有条理的方式, 包括书面和口头形式.

您将与一位经验丰富的教师导师建立监督关系, who will help you navigate the responsibilities of your academic pursuits while embracing spiritual growth and exemplifying Christian character.

澳门新葡京网站在线博士(实践神学)课程的整个旅程中, 你将得到优秀的学术指导, 有意的专业指导, 以及持续的学术支持. You will develop the advanced research and writing skills necessary to make a scholarly contribution to the field of Practical Theology. 您将以专业和令人信服的方式展示您的研究成果. You will embrace the transformative journey of intellectual growth while embodying the principles of Victorious Christian Living. 你将准备成为一个全面发展的学者和教育家, equipped to make a lasting impact in postsecondary theological higher education both nationally and internationally.

实践神学是博士学位的三个专业之一. 在实践神学集中,你可以追求各种各样的研究课题. 你可能想考虑一个领域的话题,比如牧师, Homiletics, Pastoral Care, Pastoral Theology, or Moral Theology. 如果你对你预期的主题是否适合集中有疑问, 请与项目主管联系以获得指导. Note: In February 2022 the ATS Board of Commissioners approved a three-year experiment to offer a non-residential PhD degree as an exception to Standard 5.15, through a combination of online courses (synchronous and asynchronous) and one-on-one faculty mentoring sessions.

博士学位的其他集中是圣经研究和神学研究. (见下面的浓度.)


澳门新葡京网站, we are committed to providing you with a comprehensive and enriching educational experience through our ATS-accredited PhD (Practical Theology) program. 旨在使你成为一个全面发展的学者和教育家, 我们的课程提供独特的以研究为重点的课程, 个性化的指导, 灵活的在线模式.

作为我们的博士(实践神学)课程的学生, 你将有机会深入研究实践神学领域内你所选择的领域. 通过严谨的研究和学术探索, 你会对你的主题有一个透彻的理解, 实践神学中的当代问题, 以及学者们在你选择的学科中使用的方法.

指导是我们项目的核心. You will receive individualized guidance and support from an experienced faculty mentor who is a renowned scholar in his or her respective fields. Your mentor will provide personalized attention and expert advice as you navigate your research journey and develop your scholarly voice.

Our online modality offers you the flexibility of pursuing your doctoral studies while balancing other commitments in your life. 通过我们创新的在线平台, 你将有机会接触到引人入胜的课程内容, 与教师和同学进行互动讨论, 和宝贵的资源,将提高你的学习经验.

在你的博士生涯中, 我们致力于让你在你的学科中为学术做出重大贡献. 你将发展先进的研究技能, 批判性思维能力, 以及学术写作方面的专业知识,这将使你能够写出高质量的学术作品. 我们相信培养一个合作的学术社区, where you will have opportunities to engage in scholarly conversations and present your research findings to peers and faculty.

除了让你成为一名学者, 我们的博士(实践神学)课程为您在神学高等教育中脱颖而出的教育家做好准备. 我们的课程包括教学培训, enabling you to teach and mentor future generations of students effectively in theological institutions both inside and outside the United States.


我们独特的博士课程是完全在线的,以论文为重点,并遵循修改后的欧洲模式. 它为您提供了以下机会:

  • 使用完全在线的方式完成整个课程,无需搬迁或来到校园.
  • Pay affordable tuition that saves you up to 50% of the cost of other seminary PhD programs and includes the cost of textbooks.
  • 发展你的研究技能, 写作与教学, 当你追求各种各样的研究课题时.
  • 在开始你的研究之前,把你的课程集中在精炼你预期的论文主题上.
  • 参与同步小组讨论,培养与同学的社区意识.
  • Work closely with a mentor whose areas of interest and expertise align closely with your dissertation topic.
  • Develop a well-rounded understanding of the knowledge related to your discipline through tutorial discussions with your mentor.
  • Engage regularly and intentionally with your dissertation mentor throughout the research and writing process.
  • 在短短三年内完成整个课程.

Featured Faculty


  • PTH 9200实践神学的问题和方法

    你将在实践神学中调查重要的当代问题, 包括牧师等领域, homiletics, pastoral theology, moral theology, 还有田园循环. You will then identify an issue and a method related to the area of your proposed dissertation topic and will explore each in depth.

    3.00 credit hours
  • PTH 9400教学、学习和课程设计原则

    你将回顾圣经对教与学的观点, 成人教育调查原则, 探索课程设计和开发的最佳实践. You will learn how to design lessons and courses that go beyond the communication of content to the facilitation of learning and will apply those skills to the creation of a course related to the area of your proposed dissertation topic.

    3.00 credit hours
  • PTH 9900实用神学论文开题

    You will engage in guided practice of bibliographic (text-based) research that will prepare you to write a doctoral dissertation in Practical Theology. 你将学会构思一个研究问题, 确定合适的研究方法, locate, evaluate, 并记录学术资料, 结构论证, 并在博士水平上写作. 以这些技能为基础, you will write a dissertation proposal that must be approved by the Dissertation Proposal Committee before you begin the dissertation research courses.

    3.00 credit hours


  • 在线申请
  • 认可机构的正式成绩单(所有研究生水平的工作)
  • 完成硕士,硕士,或ThM与3.5 GPA
  • 主要研究论文,(20-24页)
  • 拟研究课题(1页加参考书目)
  • 完成四个学期希腊语和/或希伯来语(任何组合)的成绩单证明
  • 两份学术推荐信
  • 招生委员会面试
  • *国际要求(如适用)




  • 神学院的教授
  • 国际神学教育家
  • 圣经学院教授
  • Pastor
  • 高中教师

Top FAQs


作为一名实践神学博士生, 你可以选择把你的学习重点放在牧师领域, Homiletics, Moral Theology, Pastoral Care, 或教牧神学.


博士课程由神学院协会(ATS)专业认证。, as well as regionally by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and nationally by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE).




这三个基础研讨会在很大程度上是异步的,但有一个同步组件. Instructors facilitate two-hour discussion group sessions of six to eight students that meet five to eight times throughout each semester.

In February 2022 the ATS Board of Commissioners approved a three-year experiment to offer a non-residential PhD degree as an exception to Standard 5.15, through a combination of online courses (synchronous and asynchronous) and one-on-one faculty mentoring sessions.


修改后的欧洲模式结合了北美和欧洲模式的优势. 你进入程序与你的论文的主题的初步想法, 三个基础研讨会的课程可以帮助你将你的主题细化为实质性的, 连贯和专注. 在那些研讨会之后, 你从事你的论文研究, 写作和辩护, 哪项研究占80%.


Total tuition for the program is 25–50% lower than the cost of other seminary PhD programs and includes the cost of textbooks.


As a PhD student, you will receive a free copy of Accordance Bible Software that you may use as long as you are pursuing your doctoral studies. 毕业后,你就拥有了软件.


如果你正在从事与实践神学相关的工作, you must show transcript evidence of having completed four semesters of Greek and/or Hebrew in any combination.


为了尽可能广泛地访问与你的论文主题相关的学术文献, Practical Theology students demonstrate proficiency in one theological research language as part of their PhD studies. The process of collecting a working bibliography for your dissertation usually helps you identify the specific language you will pursue.


你的论文字数是90,000–110,000 words, 包括介绍, the body, the footnotes, 结语及参考书目, 但不是正面问题.

我的论文导师是谁? 我在决策过程中有发言权吗?

We will work with you to recruit a dissertation mentor whose areas of interest and expertise align as closely as possible with your topic. 因为我们的导师大多来自神学院以外, 你可以追求的主题范围很广, 你有机会与你研究领域的专家密切合作.




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